Lesson 8: Different Types of Sins


The two barriers for Muslims that decreases faith is:

  • Doubts, and
  • Desires/ opinions/ lusts/ immoralities

Refer to surah Takathur (102):

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

All praise is due to ALLAH and peace and blessing upon His Messenger

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful


A] Sins that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) will NOT forgive:

If you are someone that spends times with halal, BUT are not practicing Shariah or not constantly remembering Allah, Most High, this WILL affect your Iman. Therefore, our competition should be in Iman (i.e. parts of faith) – and NOT for ‘worldly increase’ – as per the verse, above. (Note: this pre-occupation with the duniya is certainly the business of the non Muslim – and the Muslim that apes the non Muslim. Hence, the tone of the surah is one of warning. Heed the warning!)

The fact is, our provision is set by Allah. It is pre-determined. That is, our jobs, going to university etc is fine, but our mindset should not be spent all our time on this. But time ought to be spent on Allah, Most High.

From these two things – (1. doubts and 2. desires/ opinions/ lusts/ immoralities) – many sins will follow. They will very likely (if there are no checks against them) lead to kufr, shirk or nifaq. These sins WILL lead to the hell-fire. Stay clear of them!

This type of sin is serious: If you die (and you haven’t repented), your forgiveness becomes dependent purely on the mercy of Allah, subhana wa ta’ala (bearing in mind that He has warned us against these sins in the Qur’an). And you are unlikely to gain the shifa by the prophet, peace be upon him.

The clamps example prior to the judgement on the Last Day:

“They have certainly disbelieved who say, ” Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary” while the Messiah has said, “O Children of Israel, worship Allah , my Lord and your Lord.” Indeed, he who associates others with Allah – Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.” (Qur’an – surah al maidah 5: verse 72)

This is proof that mushriks (those that comit shirk) will never go to heaven. No way to be saved. There will be no judgement. This is pretty serious. So why do we not become spurred to action? So avoid these sins. These sins close the door to paradise, forever.

Moreover, many Muslims will fall into the sin of kufr, shirk, nifaq without their knowledge.

Please note, when kurf, shirk or nifaq is mentioned in the Qur’an, alone (e.g. in the example above) – it means all of them (a general classification). If two or three are mentioned by name in the same verse, then what is being referenced is the specific characteristic of this word in the verse.

“Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin.” (Qur’an – surah an-NIsa 4: verse 48)

A2) Types of Major Sin:

A2.1) 1st Type: The Sin of Iblis

Iblis is the chief of kufr. Why? Because of his sin of arrogance and refusal to listen to Allah. Yet he believes in Allah. So the real issue is his insistence with his opinion – and not his belief in Allah – which can lead to kufr. If you insist on your personal opinions AND you refuse to heed the words of Allah, you are potentially condeming yourself. Be warned. NOTE: There is an idea that If you disbelieve in just one letter of the qur’an, then you are like Iblis. There are many verses that talk about this subject.

A2.2) 2nd Type: The Sin of ‘My Opinion’

The opinion is said by the obstinate sinner, sometimes, to be the justification for the refusal to do what Allah proscribed. But, this isn’t true. It is a lie. There is something behind the opinion. A refusal to accept Allah’s Ideas. This is what is meant by the sin of ‘My Opinion’ – when it is set up as a rival to Allah, subhana wa ta’ala’s Own Words.

Firaun is on the same page as Iblis.

B) Sins that Allah, subhana wa ta’ala, will forgive:

The second category of sins are the one that are submitted to the forgiveness of Allah, subhana wa ta’ala.

“Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills…” (Qur’an – surah an-NIsa 4: verse 48)

“However, Allah will forgive…” any other sins…

What does this mean? He will forgive lesser sins, but there are conditions:

  • Allah may forgive you either in this duniya (assuming you’ve asked for forgiveness, first),
  • Or if you die (without seeking forgiveness), then you are automatically under the Will and Choice (and you hope, the Mercy) of Allah. But you cannot be sure of the outcome of (Allah subhana wa ta’ala’s decision in) this option, as it relies solely on His own descisions.

SUGGETION: Any sin you commit, ASK for forgiveness IMMEDIATELY- and do towbah, in case you die.

B2) How to Seek Forgiveness for Sins Allah will Forgive

B2.1) Al Kaban-ir (The Great Sins)

Great sins need:

  1. Towbah (with asking forgiveness); and/or
  2. Performing two rakah of salah of Istighfar.

B2.2) The Minor sins

Minor sins only requires us to ask for forgiveness (but Towba is implied).

Minor sins can accumulate through:

  • Fawahish (indecency) immorality
  • Through action of heart, in the wrong way – i.e. envy, lust (hate of the words of Allah) – e.g. Woman insisting on not wanting to wear hijab
  • al-Baghy: e.g. assault, oppression, abuse

The Surah Kahf example

C) Bid’ah

If you insist on doing something religious, but it is not mentioned in the Qur’an or Sunnah. This means you have no knowledge to support your idea. But if you say it is good for people or yourself, then this is bid’ah.

When making claims that something is sinful – i.e. that such an action is shirk, you must give evidence.

NOTE: the hadith about the 3 men: one decides to do an extensive amount of fasts, one on salahs and one to reduce sleep. And yet despite their religious fervour, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said they ought to be measured with their fasts, salahs, and sleep, as they are are part of his sunnah.

Bid’ah is under the Great sins (B2.1)

We follow the practice of Islam according to the understanding of companons:

  • we do not follow the Companions’ opinions
  • we follow the prophet (peace be upon him) and Allah, Most High
  • we do not follow the Companions

D) Rewards And Deeds

D1) Rewards for AVOIDING SINS

“If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance [into Paradise].” (Qur’an surah Nisa 4: verse 31)

So if anyone avoids the great sins, this will give licence or permission for all minor sins to be forgiven.


“And if they do not respond to you – then know that the Qur’an was revealed with the knowledge of Allah and that there is no deity except Him. Then, would you [not] be Muslims?” (Qur’an surah 11 Hud: verse 114:)

If you conduct good deeds (if big), these actions will cancel minor sins.

The top three best deeds are:

  1. Towhid – major – constant remembrance of Allah
  2. Salah
  3. sadaqah

E) Minor Sins can become Major Sins. So Beware!

There is a hadith in Muslim that speaks about avoiding the minor sins as a group of people in a trap: they want to make fire to eat: so each brings a small stick. They collect the sticks together and eventually, you cobble it together… And cook the meat.

Meaning: sticks can make fire and can cook meat… So if you stack up your minor sins, like the wood, it becomes unwieldly but as powerful as the great sins. Minor sins become major in these ways:

  1. Insisting such a sin is good or necessary
  2. Doing the sin publically and openly. There is a hadith in Muslim, where the prophet, peace be upon him, said, he would save his nation in the last day, except those who made sins publically.
  3. Those that say, ‘This is minor,’ and he does it anyway. He doesn’t feel the danger of it…
  4. When one is a good example for the community – and then did a minor sin (like a leader or teacher).


a) Which sin is worst?

  • Sin of disobeying Allah subhana wa ta’ala’s Order/ Obligation – e.g. not doing salah… or
  • Sin of doing an act Allah subhana wa ta’ala has forbidden – e.g. doing zina or murder (a great sin)

b) If a non Muslim doesn’t do salah and he doesn’t do any sins, then where does he go? Good question.

i.e. He may be good with the people, but he isn’t good with Allah. There are Muslims who are similar: they say they are ‘good Muslims’, but treat Allah like this (with indifference – i.e. no salah through carelessness… or scorn – insist on no salah).

Check out Surah Mudathir (74): we were not practicing salah… We did not feed poor…

c) But some sins that are minor – are considered (incorrectly by the people as great) – whilst those that are actually great are considered minor. See here:

Man had alcohol 1/ 2/ 3 times. The Prophet, peace be uppon him, punished him. The man drank again for a 4th time, and Umar said, ‘kill him’. But prophet, peace be upon him, said, ‘No. He loves Allah and his messenger.’ Therefore, doing minor sins (and not claiming any of point E, above) means he is still a Muslm because of his heart-action (Love of Allah and His Messenger.)

See ‘Ring of Dove’ by Ibn Hazm

21 October 2016



سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون وسلام على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله محمد وعلى اله وصحبه أجمعين

Exalted be your Lord, the Lord of Glory, above what they attribute to Him, and peace be upon the Messengers, and all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. And the peace and blessing upon prophet Mohammed and his relatives and all his companions.

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